Here I’m compiling a bunch of anticipated questions you might have about coding 😊

If you have specific questions that I didn’t cover in this blog, please email me at [email protected]

Possible FAQ’s

  1. *My Python skills feel kinda rusty. How can I review again the basic concepts?*
  2. Darn, there’s a bug in my code, and I don’t know what to do! Andy, help!
  3. During your office hours, how can I show you my code?
  4. I anticipate coming to your office hours and talking about my code, is there anything that I need to know in advance?
  5. How can code with my classmates while being online?
  6. Help, my machine is having issues installing a package or running a Python package. What should I do?
  7. Some cool Jupyter notebook hacks & resouces **

My Python skills feel kinda rusty. How can I review again the basic concepts?

Unless you have a very specific question, I suggest you review some online tutorials for general syntax. Here is a list of a few tutorials and websites that I have found useful in the past:

If I do have a bug that I cannot resolve, how do I ask for help? 🤔